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Which noticeable feature does another lullaby for insomniacs include?


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Is there a violin cover of Bella's lullaby?

There are a lot of "Bella's Lullaby(s)". So, I have listed all that I could find. Bella's Lullaby(s), and, or, "Edward's" Lullaby. First: The River Flows in You by Yiruma Second: Trees by Kieko Matsui On piano, I couldn't find any in violin. Sorry. Third: Bella's Lullaby by Carter Burwell, from the movie, but with little extra notes in the beginning. (Or some say the original) Again, it's on piano. I thought I would be able to find some on violin. I did find a few though (First). Fourth: Bella's Lullaby by Carter Burwell. This is the same as the one before, but minus the stuff in the beginning. This is also in the movie. Fifth: I giorni by Ludovico Einaudi There's also a sixth one, but I couldn't find a video.... maybe you can. I think it's called "Bella's Lullaby by Edward Cullen", or Bella's Lullaby composed by Edward. But other Bella's Lullaby(s) (Previous ones^) keep coming up. It'd pretty much just a few notes repeated over and over for about 4:44. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but I hope I at least helped some :)

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The process by which a feature spreads from one place to anotherΒ 

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