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A black hole's gravitational pull is so strong, not even light can escape it. so, essentially, it's like the light is being sucked up into a black void.

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Q: What object reflects or absorbs all light?
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What color light does a green object absorb?

Since an object is observed as the color(s) it reflects, a green object absorbs all colors and reflects green.

What does the color of visible light depend on?

the color of the light it reflects and absorbs. If the object reflects red and absorbs all other colors, the object will appear red.

What color light does green objects absorb?

Since an object is observed as the color(s) it reflects, a green object absorbs all colors and reflects green.

If you absorb all the colors what color would you get?

If an object absorbs all the colors in white light, it reflects black.

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It is false that a solution that reflects white light absorbs all wavelengths. A solution that reflects white light reflects all wavelengths.

What happens when a light hit a black object?

An object appears black because it absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum. If we idealize the object to make it perfectly absorptive, it absorbs all of the white light that strikes it and reflects none. In the real world, some light is always reflected. If the object appears black or dark gray, then it reflects small amounts of all colors of the spectrum.

What objects reflect and absorb light?

Any object you can see reflects light. If it did not reflect any light it would be invisible. Similarly, no object is so reflective that it reflects all light. The proof that it absorbs light is that it increses in temperature as it is exposed to light.

What color will reflect all colors?

The color that we see is not the color of the object in question, but the color of the light it reflects. This means that a "green object" absorbs all colors of the visible spectrum except for green light, which it reflects back to our eyes. White light is the combination of the entire visible spectrum combined. Thus a "white object" reflects all colors of light. On the opposite side of this question, a "black object" absorbs all colors of light, because "black" is the absence of color.

A material that reflects or absorbs all of the light that strikes it is?

A material that reflects or absorbs any light that strikes it is opaque.Tranlucent or transparent materials allow some or all light to pass through.

How does the color of an object depends on the reflection and the absorption of light?

If it reflects that color of light, you're eyes will see that color being reflected by the object (when the color is being shown on the object, white light contains 'all' colors of visible light). If an object absorbs a color of light you will tend not to see it coming off of the object. Translation: objects will appear the color(s) of light that it reflects. If an object appears red, it reflects red light.

What colors does white paper reflect?

White light is made up of all the colors. If a paper is white, it is reflecting all the colors of light. We know that the color of an object is determined by the color(s) of light it reflects. If an object is green, for example, it reflects green light and absorbs all other colors.

Why something looks blue?

It means the certain object absorbs all the colors on the Light Spectrum and only reflects the color blue.