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the moon is the closest to the earth

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Rick Satterfield

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Agnes Bogan

Lvl 13
2y ago

the moon is the closest to the earth

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Q: What objects is closest to earth in all three systems?
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What is the closest to earth in all three systems?

the moon is the closest to the earth

What object is closest to the earth in all three system?

the moon is the closest to the earth

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Polaris is the closest of the three stars.

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The Sun is the closest star. Next closest are the three stars of the Alpha Centauri system, of which the closest is Proxima Centauri.

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The Sun is the closest of the three, followed by Neptune, then Andromeda.

Which is closest to our sun in our solar system?

The planet Mercury is closest to the sun, at about three-tenths Earth's distance at the nearest point in its orbit.

What are three structures in the universe to which earth belongs?

clusters of galaxies, galaxies, planetary systems, solar systems

Which planet in our solar system is the closest to the sun?

The planet Mercury is closest to the sun, at about three-tenths Earth's distance at the nearest point in its orbit.

Is the earth the moon or the sun the smallest object?

The Moon is the smallest of the three objects listed

What is the difference between a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse?

Solar eclipse is when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth (The three objects would appear in this order: Sun >> Moon >> Earth). A lunar eclipse is when the Moon pass into the shadow of the Earth ( The three objects would appear in this order: Sun >> Earth >> Moon ).

How far away is the closest star to the Earth excluding the Sun?

Alpha Centauri is a trinary, about 4.5 light years from earth. Of those three stars, Proxima Centauri is the closest; it is 4.2 light years away.

What are the three closest planets to Earth?

Venus is the planet that gets closest to the earth, at its closest (inferior conjunction) it is 41 million km from Earth. All of the planets are on different orbits though, so their positions relative to each other are constantly changing - Venus can be nearly to 200 million km away when on the other side of the solar system, further away than the sun. Other inner planets may be the closest to earth at any time, such as Mars or Mercury.