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Iron will react, dissolving in acid and with hydrogen gas escaping from the surface. Sulfur stays unchanged.

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2mo ago

When iron and sulfur are mixed with hydrochloric acid, a chemical reaction occurs where hydrogen gas is released while iron chloride and hydrogen sulfide are formed. Iron chloride is a greenish-yellow solution, and hydrogen sulfide is a colorless gas with a foul smell.

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Q: What occurs when Iron and Sulfur is mixed with Hydrochloric Acid?
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When sulfur is put into hydrochloric acid, a chemical reaction occurs where sulfur reacts with hydrochloric acid to form hydrogen sulfide gas and sulfur dichloride. The reaction is as follows: S + 2HCl -> H2S + SCl2

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When iron sulfur mixture is mixed with hydrochloric acid, a chemical reaction occurs. The sulfur will react with the hydrochloric acid to form hydrogen sulfide gas, while the iron will also react with the acid to produce iron chloride and hydrogen gas. This reaction will release heat and gas, creating bubbling and possibly some fumes.

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Sulfur does not react with hydrochloric acid.

What happens when sulphur is put in hydrochloric acid?

When sulfur is put in hydrochloric acid, a chemical reaction occurs where sulfur reacts with the hydrochloric acid to produce sulfur dioxide gas and hydrogen sulfide gas, which are both toxic. The reaction also produces water.

Does sulfur react to acid?

Yes, sulfur can react with acids to form hydrogen sulfide gas. This reaction typically occurs with strong mineral acids such as hydrochloric acid.

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When sulfur is added to dilute hydrochloric acid, it reacts with the acid to form hydrogen sulfide gas. This gas is colorless and has a strong odor of rotten eggs. The reaction occurs slowly because of the low reactivity of sulfur with hydrochloric acid, resulting in a delayed release of gas.

What is the balanced equation for the reaction of sulfur and hydrochloric acid?

The balanced equation for the reaction of sulfur (S) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) is: S + 2HCl -> H2S + Cl2. In this reaction, sulfur reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen sulfide gas and elemental chlorine.

Is sulphuric acid element or compound?

sulphuric acid is a compound.It is not sulfur dioxide and water.The formula is H2SO4Sulphuric acid is the product of the chemical reaction that occurs when sulfur trioxide and water are mixed.

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Carbon dioxide gas is produced when calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid are mixed. This reaction occurs as the acid reacts with the calcium carbonate, releasing carbon dioxide gas as a byproduct.

What happens when hydrochloric acid is mixed with white cement?

When hydrochloric acid is mixed with white cement, a chemical reaction occurs that releases carbon dioxide gas and forms calcium chloride. This reaction can weaken the structure of the cement and reduce its strength. It is important to avoid mixing hydrochloric acid with white cement to prevent damage.

Does pyrite react with hydrochloric acid to form bubbels?

Yes, pyrite does react with hydrochloric acid to form bubbles of sulfur dioxide gas. This reaction occurs because hydrochloric acid reacts with the iron sulfide in pyrite to release sulfur dioxide gas as a byproduct.

Does hydrochloric acid contain sulphur?

No, hydrochloric acid (HCl) does not contain sulfur. It is a compound made up of hydrogen and chlorine atoms.