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When a continental and oceanic plate collide, the denser oceanic plate is typically forced underneath the less dense continental plate in a process known as subduction. This can lead to the formation of deep ocean trenches, volcanic arcs, and seismic activity. The collision can also result in the uplift of mountains along the continental plate's edge.

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Q: What occurs when a contenintal and oceanic plate collide?
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What are 3 types of convergent pate boundaries?

Oceanic-continental plate boundary: where an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide, causing the oceanic plate to subduct beneath the continental plate. Oceanic-oceanic plate boundary: occurs when two oceanic plates collide, with one plate usually subducting beneath the other. Continental-continental plate boundary: where two continental plates collide, leading to the formation of mountain ranges through intense compression and uplifting of the crust.

Why do oceanic plates dive underneath continental plates when they collide?

Oceanic plates are denser than continental plates due to their composition, so when they collide, the denser oceanic plate is forced to dive (subduct) beneath the less dense continental plate. This process occurs due to the difference in density between the two types of plates, leading to the oceanic plate sinking into the mantle.

When does subduction occur?

Subduction occurs when one tectonic plate moves underneath another plate at a convergent boundary. This typically happens at deep ocean trenches where the denser oceanic plate is forced beneath the less dense continental plate. Subduction is a key process in the cycle of plate tectonics, leading to the formation of volcanic arcs and earthquakes.

What happens when oceanic and continental plates collide?

When oceanic and continental plates collide, the oceanic plate is usually forced under the continental plate in a process called subduction. This can result in the formation of mountain ranges on the continental plate and can lead to the creation of volcanic arcs. The collision can also cause earthquakes and tsunamis.

What occurs when dense oceanic plates collide with a continental plate?

When dense oceanic plates collide with a continental plate, the denser oceanic plate is usually subducted beneath the less dense continental plate due to the difference in density. This can lead to the formation of deep ocean trenches, volcanic arcs, and mountain ranges on the continental plate. Subduction zones are also associated with earthquakes and volcanic activity.

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What are 3 types of convergent pate boundaries?

Oceanic-continental plate boundary: where an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide, causing the oceanic plate to subduct beneath the continental plate. Oceanic-oceanic plate boundary: occurs when two oceanic plates collide, with one plate usually subducting beneath the other. Continental-continental plate boundary: where two continental plates collide, leading to the formation of mountain ranges through intense compression and uplifting of the crust.

Why do oceanic plates dive underneath continental plates when they collide?

Oceanic plates are denser than continental plates due to their composition, so when they collide, the denser oceanic plate is forced to dive (subduct) beneath the less dense continental plate. This process occurs due to the difference in density between the two types of plates, leading to the oceanic plate sinking into the mantle.

When does subduction occur?

Subduction occurs when one tectonic plate moves underneath another plate at a convergent boundary. This typically happens at deep ocean trenches where the denser oceanic plate is forced beneath the less dense continental plate. Subduction is a key process in the cycle of plate tectonics, leading to the formation of volcanic arcs and earthquakes.

What occurs when dense oceanic plates collide with continental plate?

The oceanic plate subducts under the continental because it is denser. The Andes are being formed in this way and the Himalayas started that way also.

What is oceanic plate collide?

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What explains the observation that when a continental and oceanic plate collide the oceanic plate dives down under the continental plate?

This phenomenon, known as subduction, occurs because oceanic plates are denser and thinner than continental plates. When the two plates collide, the denser oceanic plate is forced beneath the less dense continental plate due to gravitational pull. This process results in the oceanic plate descending into the mantle, leading to the formation of deep ocean trenches and volcanic arcs.

What occurs when a continental and an ocean plate collide?

The oceanic plate goes under the continental plate and into the mantle in a process known as subduction. This results in the formation of mountains and volcanoes on the continental plate.

What happens when oceanic and continental plates collide?

When oceanic and continental plates collide, the oceanic plate is usually forced under the continental plate in a process called subduction. This can result in the formation of mountain ranges on the continental plate and can lead to the creation of volcanic arcs. The collision can also cause earthquakes and tsunamis.

What occurs when dense oceanic plates collide with a continental plate?

When dense oceanic plates collide with a continental plate, the denser oceanic plate is usually subducted beneath the less dense continental plate due to the difference in density. This can lead to the formation of deep ocean trenches, volcanic arcs, and mountain ranges on the continental plate. Subduction zones are also associated with earthquakes and volcanic activity.

What forms where two oceanic plates collide?

When two oceanic plates collide, a process called subduction occurs, where one plate is forced beneath the other into the mantle. This often leads to the formation of volcanic arcs, deep-sea trenches, and earthquakes. Over time, the subducted plate melts and can contribute to the formation of new oceanic crust.

What is a oceanic-oceanic convergent boundary?

These are zones/areas where two lithospheric plates, involving an oceanic and a continental plate collide.

What is oceanic -oceanic convergent boundary?

These are zones/areas where two lithospheric plates, involving an oceanic and a continental plate collide.