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Q: What occurs when gravity's downward pull on sediment is greater called?
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How would size of the sediment in the streams load differ in the streams volume increasing or decreasing?

The size of the sediment would decrease further downstream (where there is a greater volume of water) as there is more energy in the flow. Therefore more erosion will occur and the sediment will rub together with other materials i.e other rocks or the river bed (this is called attrition). The sediment will therefore reduce in size but there will be a greater amount of it. (The amount of sediment is called the discharge.)

The material moved by erosion is called what?

The material that is moved by erosion is called Sediment.

What is the sediment a river carries called?

It's called transportation.

What are the rock and soil deposits by streams called?


How do glaciers deposit sediment?

Its deposits sediment by picking the sediment up which is called plucking.(weathering)

What are rocks snd soil deposited by streams called?

they are deposited by sediment

What is the total quantity of sediment carried by a river called?

sediment load

Is the water in a stream called sediment?

No, the solids the water carries is the sediment.

What is the downward trend on a graph?

The downward tend on a graph is called "decay".

What is the clear liquid above the sediment called?

The fluid above the sediment after centrifugation is called the supernatant.

What is the sediment called that is derived primarily from the products of weathering on the continents?

terrigenous sediment

Can ice carry sediment?

Yes. Glaciers carry large amounts of sediment. When that sediment is deposited it is called glacial till.