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2d ago

When rock is exposed to oxygen in the air, a process called oxidation occurs. This can lead to the formation of rust on iron-containing minerals or rocks, as well as other chemical reactions that may alter the composition and appearance of the rock over time.

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Q: What occurs when rock is exposed to oxygen elements in the air?
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What occurs when rock exposed to oxygen elements in the air?


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What rocks are elements?

The major rock forming elements are oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. Many other metallic and non-metallic elements are also found in rocks. Depends on the rock.

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Both hydrogen and oxygen can be processed from Moon rock

How does oxygen in the atmosphere differ from oxygen in rock and minerals?

Oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere exists as O2 molecules, while oxygen in rocks and minerals is typically bound to other elements in compounds such as oxides and silicates. Atmospheric oxygen is readily available for organisms to use in respiration, while oxygen in rocks is not easily accessible and requires chemical processes to release it. Additionally, the abundance of oxygen in the atmosphere is much higher compared to oxygen in rocks and minerals.

Why are most rock-forming minerals silicates?

Most rock forming minerals are silicates because of the preponderance of the elements silicon and oxygen in the crust and mantle.

What happens to the rate at which a rock will weather when it is broken up and why?

The rate of decomposition of the rock will increase when it is broken up because there is more surface area exposed to the elements weather) that can erode the surfaces.

What does chemical and physical weathering have in common?

Physical weathering physically breaks down the rock, whereas chemical weathering breaks down the rock through chemical changes. For example, physical weathering could break down rock through ice wedging, which occurs when water seeps through the cracks in the rock, freezes, and expands, causing the rock to crack. Chemical weathering could be when oxidation (rusting) occurs, when metal is exposed to water and oxygen. Either way they both break down rock.

What does Jack say about the uppermost rock in the pile?

Jack says that the uppermost rock in the pile is the most exposed to the elements and experiences the most wear and tear.

What rock has erosion?

Any rock that is exposed to it.

Which relative concentrations of elements are found in felsic rock?

Felsic rocks are composed of high concentrations of silicon and aluminum, along with lesser amounts of potassium, sodium, and calcium. They typically have lower concentrations of iron, magnesium, and other mafic elements compared to mafic rocks.

When is a rock considered an ore?

A rock is considered an ore when it contains a mineral or metal in high enough concentration to be economically valuable for extraction or processing. The presence of the mineral or metal in sufficient quantity and quality determines whether the rock is classified as an ore.