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This usually is where and how mountains ranges are formed. Volcanism can also result from the subduction melting of the oceanic crust.

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Q: What often occurs where an oceanic plate pushes under a continental plate?
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What happens when oceanic and continental plates collide?

At this type of convergent boundary the oceanic plate will be subducted, or sink into the mantle underneath the continental plate. Volcanoes often form near these boundaries.

How do volcano's form when oceanic and continental plates collide?

Mountains form where continental and oceanic plates collide by the actions of the plates upon one another. Often one plate pushes up and over the other one, and the upper one creates a row of mountains.

Description of oceanic-oceanic subduction?

Occurs when ocean crust sinks under continental crust, it sinks because it's colder and denser,at these sites, deep-ocean trenches also form along with coastal mountains. As the oceanic crust moves, these trenches often causes underwater earthquake, as the crust sinks under a continent, the crust buckles to form a range of mountains, like island arcs, parallel to a deep-ocean trench. Some of the mountains are volcanoes, which form as melted oceaninc crust rises through the top plate. For example: Cascade Mountains in Oregon and Washington.

Is rhyolite formed at convergent plate boundaries?

That is most often where it occurs, but it can also be found at continental hot spots.

What may form when an oceanic plate meets a continental plate?

When an oceanic plate pushes into and subducts under a continental plate, the overriding continental plate is lifted up and a mountain range is created. Even though the oceanic plate as a whole sinks smoothly and continuously into the subduction trench, the deepest part of the subducting plate breaks into smaller pieces. These smaller pieces become locked in place for long periods of time before moving suddenly and generating large earthquakes. Such earthquakes are often accompanied by uplift of the land by as much as a few meters.

Related questions

What happens when oceanic and continental plates collide?

At this type of convergent boundary the oceanic plate will be subducted, or sink into the mantle underneath the continental plate. Volcanoes often form near these boundaries.

What do earthquakes often occur along?

The edge of the oceanic and continental plates.

What is the effect when an oceanic plate meets a continental plate?

the oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate and then melts in the mantle and often will create volcanos along the conitinental plate.\

What is the effect when a oceanic plate meets a continental plate?

the oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate and then melts in the mantle and often will create volcanos along the conitinental plate.\

How do volcano's form when oceanic and continental plates collide?

Mountains form where continental and oceanic plates collide by the actions of the plates upon one another. Often one plate pushes up and over the other one, and the upper one creates a row of mountains.

A location on Earth where each type of plate boundary is present?

There are three types of convergent boundaries: oceanic-oceanic, oceanic-continental, and continental-continental. An example of continental-continental is the San Andreas Fault in California. An example of oceanic-continental is the Peru-Chile Trench. An example of oceanic-oceanic is almost anywhere in the ocean. Because the tectonic plates are continuously moving, although they may be moving slowly, new boundaries are formed often. Thus, oceanic-oceanic boundaries are constantly forming. A specific example would be in the western Pacific Ocean. There is a tangle of arcs in the Indian Ocean; there's also the Caribbean and South Sandwich Island arcs.

Where does subduction most often occur?

Subduction only occurs on convergent plate boundaries, which means that the two plates are colliding. Subduction is basically the sinking of one plate below another. This happens when an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide, and the more dense oceanic plate filled with more mafic rock types (with magnesium/iron and less silica) slide under the less dense continental crust.

Is oceanic lithosphere lighter than continental lithosphere?


What ocean plate and continental plate colliding?

At this type of convergent boundary the oceanic plate will be subducted, or sink into the mantle underneath the continental plate. Volcanoes often form near these boundaries.

Why is oceanic crust usually much younger than continental crust?

Crust is produced at constructive plate boundaries, usually at mid ocean ridges. Here the plates are moving apart and magma wells up to form new basaltic rock. This means the youngest crust is usually part of an oceanic plate. When an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate, the denser oceanic plate sinks down in a subduction zone and ends up as magma again. The less dense continental crust is forced upwards and is preserved. Continental rocks are thus often very old.

Description of oceanic-oceanic subduction?

Occurs when ocean crust sinks under continental crust, it sinks because it's colder and denser,at these sites, deep-ocean trenches also form along with coastal mountains. As the oceanic crust moves, these trenches often causes underwater earthquake, as the crust sinks under a continent, the crust buckles to form a range of mountains, like island arcs, parallel to a deep-ocean trench. Some of the mountains are volcanoes, which form as melted oceaninc crust rises through the top plate. For example: Cascade Mountains in Oregon and Washington.

When huge sections of the Earth collide what do they produce?

The huge sections are called tectonic plates. When they collide this is called a convergent boundary. Usually one plate is oceanic and one is continental, and the oceanic plate is forced down in a subduction zone. This forces the continental plate up, giving rise to mountains and often volcanoes.