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I would suggest taking the treasure on Panfu. It will give you immediate rewards and can help you progress in the game. The clue may provide hints or directions to find more treasures in the future, but the treasure itself is more valuable at the moment.

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Q: What one do you take on panfu the treasure or the clue?
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On Runescape where is the tresure trails lvl 1 quest?

Treasure trails are not quests, but mini games, and they cannot simply be started at a certain point. To begin a treasure trail, you must first find a clue scroll that will lead you to the treasure. If you are looking for a level 1 clue scroll, then there are several easy enemies that can be killed to obtain one. Possibly the easiest, are the warriors in the Palace at Al-Kharid. Once you have one, simply follow the instructions. Harder clue scrolls can be found, and they go up to level 3. These are harder to obtain and complete.

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Clue Scrolls are random drops from monster that will lead you to a hidden treasure There are 3 different types of clue scrolls, the higher the clue scroll, the better the reward: lvl 1: These are the easiest clue scrolls, they are dropped by low lvl monsters and the clues are easier to work out lvl 2: These are medium difficulty clue scrolls, they are dropped by medium lvl monsters, and will have a mixture of lvl 1 and 3 clues. lvl 3: these are the hardest clue scrolls, they are dropped by high lvl monsters, and will be the hardest to work out. When you work out a clue scroll and search the chest, create or dig in the right spot, you will either get: another clue scroll (Then you work that one out) or your treasure. For more info check here: http:/

Free member user name and password of panfu?

some one took my sophi1 accont on panfu its a membership

What are the cheats to panfu?

I only know one cheat on panfu you throw a water bomb at karmaria and see what happens!

Where do you learn spanish on panfu?

No one knows...

When you take a whisker from a cat and a small amount of Hg what do you get?

one step closer to the treasure! haha

Where are all the chicks in Panfu?

one is at the race track

How do you make it one day on Panfu?

You just need to wait for the next day, then go back on Panfu. You cannot skip a day.

How do you get a free couch on Panfu?

Well if you have already made your panfu account you should just get one or set it up and you can get one and the get the second one you just attach your email address to your panfu account and they should send you an email but this applies to about 3 months ago when i got the 2 couches!

Where do you find Lilli on panfu?

Lilli is one of the characters on Panfu and can usually be found in the City Center of Panfu, near the Panda Plaza. You can interact with her to participate in various activities and games on the platform.

What is the syllable of the word clue?

"Clue" is all one syllable