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Descartes found it impossible to doubt his own existence. The reason for this was that he felt that thoughts had to come from himself.

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Q: What one thing was impossible for Descartes to doubt?
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What was the ONE thing Descartes could be certain of And why?

i am i exist

What was the one absolute truth Rene Descartes believed in?

That he existed.

Contributions of Rene descartes in the field of mathematics?

One of Descartes simple but important contributions to the field of mathematics is his notation, which made exponents into a superscript after the root. He also came up with the formula for reflection and refraction and the Cartesian plane

When did René Descartes invent the coordinates?

Descartes was a very philosophical person. In fact he's the father of modern philosophy He thought the world on 3 axes, he had to do this while he was trying to solve the riddle of pappus. But to be more specific he invented the coordinate system while he was sleeping with one oven at he's side and had 3 dreams. the answer you're looking for, is that "Descartes dreamt the coordinate system, then he did it reality on a compendium of one of he's 3 books of philosopy"

What did ren descartes do?

One thing that Rene Descartes did was make the connection between the mind and the brain. He developed the theory that the nonphysical mind controlled the physical body through secretions in the pineal gland. Although this is incorrect, he was the first person to try to try to make this connection. In reality, we now know that our behavior is controlled by the physical body (the brain) and the mind does not exist. Rene Descartes was an innovative philosopher and a mathematician.Rene Descartes (pronounced dey-cart) was a philosopher who experimented with the method of doubt. His belief had three key phenomenons, first that our eyes were tricking us, the second is deduction, and the third is that there is a demon who is controlling us, tricking us, making us believe things that are not true. This led him to the famous quote, "I think, therefore I am," ( one of my favorite philosophical quotes)

Related questions

What was the method employed by Descartes in order to find an absolute starting point for building up your knowledge?

Systematic doubt. Descartes could doubt everything except for one thing - his own existence. Cogito ergo sum - "I think, therefore I am" - became his first principle.

What does Cogito Ergo Sum mean and what conclusion does it leave Descartes with?

The one thing that Descartes couldn't doubt was his thoughts, he thinks there for he is. To be a good philosopher, you need to be skeptical (to ask a lot of questions), Descartes asked questions then doubted them. That brought in dualism. He is considered one of the greatest thinkers of the enlightenment period.

Descartes method of doubt?

Essentially, Descartes' philosophy was based on the notion of methodical doubt, that is, to doubt absolutely everything that one could not be absolutely certain of. Descartes considered the principal weakness of his predecessor's philosophy to be its subjectivity. He felt that the premises from which previous philosophers deduced truths were not necessarily accurate, and thus did not provide any intellectual certainty. Consequently, Descartes used methodical doubt as the starting point for his philosophy.

What was the ONE thing Descartes could be certain of And why?

i am i exist

What did Descartes mean by i think therefore i am?

"I think; therefore I am" was the end of the search Descartes conducted for a statement that could not be doubted. He found that he could not doubt that he himself existed, as he was the one doing the doubting in the first place. In Latin (the language in which Descartes wrote), the phrase is "Cogito, ergo sum."

How many children did René Descartes have?

Descartes had one daughter.

How did spinoza solve descartes' problem of the interaction of mind and body?

Unlike Descartes, Spinoza believed that the mind was an extension of the body, and vice versa. He thought that there was only one type of substance, a divine substance, of which the mind and body were part. As one thing, the mind and body could interact in harmony, not the discord Descartes was concerned with.

What are the four main principles of DesCartes's method?

Descartes created a four step philosophical method, with the first step stating that you should doubt everything that is not true beyond a shadow of a doubt. Then, once you have questions, you have to divide them into sections to deal with one at a time, starting with the simplest and progressing to the more difficult. Finally, you need to continuously go over what you have learned to keep it fresh in your mind as you progress.

Does Descartes believe that our minds are infinite?

Descartes believed that the human mind contained particular innate ideas, one of which was infinity. Rene Descartes was a French philosopher.

Does macaroni and cheese have steriods?

I doubt that very much. For one thing why would the makers waste that money.

Did Rene' descartes have any siblings?

Rene Descartes was an only child. He was born to Jeanne Brochard and Joachim Descartes on March 31, 1596, in La Haye en Touraine. His mother died when he was one-year old.

What was the one absolute truth Rene Descartes believed in?

That he existed.