

What order do the planets fall in?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune and Pluto if you still accept it as a planet

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Q: What order do the planets fall in?
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Mercury, Venus, Earth. So 2nd Rock from the Sun

What is the order of all the planets in our solar system?

As of 2017, it depends on whether you count major planets only, or all planets.The 8 major known planets in order from the Sun are:MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneIf you list ALL 13 known planets in order, including dwarf planets, they are:MercuryVenusEarthMarsCeresJupiterSaturnUranusNeptunePlutoHaumeaMakemakeErisDwarf planets also fall under the category of minor planets, of which there are thousands in our solar system. As of 2017, the orbits of 734,274 minor planets were archived at the Minor Planet Center, 496,815 of which had received permanent numbers. The largest minor planet that is not considered to be a dwarf planet is Sedna.

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The planets will fall into the sun and get destroyed.

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The planets will fall into the sun and get destroyed.

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Asteroids can fall on any planet (or moon).

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Putting the planets in order by size is:JupiterSaturnNeptuneUranusEarthVenusMarsMercury

Where does earth fall in the order of the planets from the sun?

it's the third planet from the sun it's the third planet from the sun it's the third planet from the sun

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Terestrial planets have land, you can walk on them. But gaseous planets, if you step on them you would fall into a bunch of burning gas.

In what order were the inner planets presented?

welll etz in order by thee 1st planets the on............................

How are the planets held in orbit?

Most people don't think this but planets are actually held in orbit by gravity. With out gravity the planets will fall down.

Why are there 8 planets in our solar system and why can't you make a new one up?

You can make up any planets you want. There is no limit to the imagination. However, made-up planets wouldn't really exist in nature.The 8 major known planets in order from the Sun are:MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneIf you list ALL 13 known planets in order, including dwarf planets, they are:MercuryVenusEarthMarsCeresJupiterSaturnUranusNeptunePlutoHaumeaMakemakeErisDwarf planets also fall under the category of minor planets, of which there are thousands in our solar system. As of 2017, the orbits of 734,274 minor planets were archived at the Minor Planet Center, 496,815 of which had received permanent numbers. The largest minor planet that is not considered to be a dwarf planet is Sedna.