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Q: What order is used to organize most indexes other than alphabetical order?
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Related questions

Where can I receive information about stock market indexes?

Much information is available through accessing Web sites of exchanges and other organizations, such as Dow Jones and Russell Group, that have developed indexes.

In what order do the countriesenter for the Parade of Nations?

Greece, followed by all other nations in alphabetical order.

What is stroke index?

Stroke index is where the holes on a Golf course are ranked in order of difficulty. 1 being the hardest and 18 being the easiest. One 9 will have all the even stroke indexes and the other will have all the odd stroke indexes, this ensures the shots are distributed equally. If your handicap is 9, you get a shot on all the holes ranked 1-9 in the stroke index.

What are some good ways to organize your iwako erasers?

If you need ideas about how to organize your collection of iwako erasers there alot of videos on youtube that other collectors show how they organize them.

What is 'stroke index' golf?

Stroke index is where the holes on a golf course are ranked in order of difficulty. 1 being the hardest and 18 being the easiest. One 9 will have all the even stroke indexes and the other will have all the odd stroke indexes, this ensures the shots are distributed equally. If your handicap is 9, you get a shot on all the holes ranked 1-9 in the stroke index.

How did man try to organize things in the past?

I'm not sure if you mean "How did man try to organize things?" or "Which ways did man try to organize things which is different from it is now?". Obviously we try to sort things out alphabetically and numerically, to sort things in chronological order, in weight order (the Periodic table does this), from simple to complicated. When sorting out creatures things are near to each other (in evolution terms). We think of people in terms of classes-usually working, middle and upper classes.

How was Christopher Columbus an entrepreneur?

he had to organize trades with other countries

What is secondary indexes in dbms?

secondary index is a key which is created other than primary key, to speed up processing.

Which characters organize to fight Macbeth at the end of the play?

At the end of the play, Macduff, Malcolm, Siward, and other Scottish nobles organize to fight against Macbeth and his forces. They seek to overthrow Macbeth's tyrannical rule and restore rightful order to Scotland.

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What comes first in alphabetical order - her or her's?

her = since no character comes before any other character.

Is it wise to store chemicals on a shelf in alphabetical order?

There are advantages and disadvantages to storing in alphabetical order. Generally you want to segregate chemicals according to type rather than name. Acids and bases usually should not be stored together. Oxidizers and combustibles should not be stored together. You get the idea; in general - don't store chemicals together with other chemicals that they will react with violently. If you store strictly alphabetically you could wind up with acetic acid being stored with ammonia - which I do not think you would want to do. Once the chemicals are segregated according to incompatibility, it might be good to organize by alphabetical order so that someone looking for a particular chemical can find it more easily.