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The Nervous system is the system that helps the body sense its environment. It also controls all of the other systems of the body. When the body comes into contact with hot objects, it uses reflexes to prevent bodily injury. Some of the organs include the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

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Q: What organ system helps you sense things in the world around you?
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Which organ system helps your body to sence things around it?

The organ or bodily system that helps your body to sense things around it is the nervous system. It does this by taking direction from receptor cells.

Which organ system helps your body to sense things around it?

The nerve system I guess....

Which organ system helps your body senses things around it?

The nerve system I guess....

Which organ system helps your body to sense things?

The organ system that helps your body to sense things is known as the sensory system. This will rely on the circulatory fluids to send messages from the sense organs to the brain.

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its a respiratory system organ and helps in breating

Which sense organ helps us to feel things?

The nervous system helps your body to sense things around it by taking in input from receptor cells, which sense things, and transmit these signals at super-fast speeds to your brain, which processes the signals. These signals are then sent back through the nervous system to muscle cells or another form of output, such as salivary glands.

What organ is a part of the system that helps the body move?

there is no organ in the muscular system, only bones and muscles

What is the difference between a organ and a muscle?

an organ is a system that helps your bodily functions. a muscle helps you work and move.