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You think probable to carbohydrates.

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Carbohydrates, such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose, typically have names ending in "ose." These compounds are commonly found in foods and play a crucial role in providing energy for the body.

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Q: What organic compounds typically have a name ending in ose?
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They are termed organic compounds. Compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons and they are a subset of organic compounds.

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In ionic compounds, the anion name is typically ended with the suffix "-ide". For example, chloride (Cl-) and oxide (O2-) are common anions with the "-ide" ending.

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The general name we give carbon-containing complex compounds is organic compounds, and there are literally tens of millions of them. In organic chemistry, we unlock the secrets of these amazing substances. To say that the field is large is an understatement. Wikipedia has more information, and a link is provided.

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