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heart ,lungs,arteries,veins,cells etc

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Q: What organs are affected by hearts attacks and stroke How could this affect the organism?
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What organism has three hearts?

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Kingdom Hearts 2 how to block attacks?

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What were the diseases that Mother Teresa faced?

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What term best desribe the hearts function in a living organism?

A pump.

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In Kingdom Hearts 2, Organization VII Saïx yells, "Move aside!" in battle as he attacks Sora.

Who was the first person to discover heart disease?

Heart attacks have been present in animal life since hearts evolved.

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Endocarditis rarely occurs in people with healthy, normal hearts.

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The development of the artificial heart has allowed the success rate of heart transplants go up.

Is kingdom hearts re Chain of Memories a turn based game?

No, you use cards and things but you can keep on attacking if you want to, just that the enemy attacks as well

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