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None. Helium does not form any compounds.

Theoretically, true compounds may be possible, such as helium fluorohydride (HHeF) which would be analogous to HArF, discovered in 2000. This requires very low temperature (< 2.5K) and extremely high pressure (> 23GPa). The existence of fluoroheliate anion (F-HeO-) is suspected.

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None. Helium is not flammable.

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Which elements make up compounds?

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organic materials MUST contain carbon compounds, so Helium in a balloon would never be organic, for it does not contain carbon.(and Helium is pretty inert - so you couldn't easily make an organic compound with it anyway).

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Close. It's the other way around. Elements (atoms) link up to make molecules of compounds.

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No compounds make up elements. Elements make up compounds, so there are no compounds in cadmium since it is an element.

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Elements make up compounds and chemical bonds! :) have a nice day

Elements are combined to make compounds?

Yes, chemical compounds are made up of elements combined together.

What is the difference from an element from a compound?

Compounds are made of elements. Elements are the smallest units of the compounds. Elements are bond to make compounds.

What elements make the atmosphere?

Nitrogen (about 78.084%), oxygen (about 20.9476%), Argon (about 0.934%). Trace amounts of Neon, Helium, Krypton, Hydrogen, and Iodine. There are also other compounds such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, but these don't count as elements. Primarily Oxygen &amp; Nitrogen and other rare gasses.

Can every element in the periodic table be used to make compounds?

No, the elements helium and neon have no known nor likely compounds with any degree of stability at all. Many of the artificial elements cannot in practice be used to make compounds, because they live for too short a time before their radioactive decay to another element. We do know in theory what sorts of compounds they might make, and many of their likely properties.