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Many many authors did. Christopher Marlowe was born in the same year as Shakespeare. Miguel de Cervantes died on the same date (but, curiously, not on the same day) as Shakespeare. Bacon, Spenser, Jonson, Descartes, and Milton all lived contemporaneously with Shakespeare.

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Christopher Marlowe was also born in 1564.

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Q: What author lived at the same time as shakespeare?
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What two English royalties lived during Shakespeare's time?

The two English monarchs who lived in Shakespeare's lifetime were Elizabeth I and James I.

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Nope. Some of Shakespeare's plays were performed before Elizabeth but there is no reason to think that she was particularly impressed by them. Her tastes ran more to knockabout physical comedy.

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Who lived during the time of Shakespeare?

Many millions of people were alive at the same time as Shakespeare. Other famous people who were born in the same year as Shakespeare included Galileo and the playwright Christopher Marlowe. Other famous people who died the same year he did include the Spanish novelist Cervantes, the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu, the theatre owner Philip Henslowe and the playwrights Francis Beaumont and Tang Xianzu. Yes, the people who lived during the time of Shakespeare also include millions of people who lived in China, Japan, India, the Ottoman Empire, various African states, and the former Incan empire in Peru.

Shakespeare's time in Britain?

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How many people lived in London around the time William shakespeare was alive?

2000 million