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Q: What other minerals can scratch Talc?
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Can talc scratch over minerals?

Talc is supposed to be too fragile to cause a scratch on the majority of minerals.

Which minerals cannot scratch any minerals by itself?

Diamond is the hardest naturally occurring mineral and can scratch all other minerals. Talc is the softest of minerals and cannot scratch any other mineral.

Which mineral cannot scratch any mineral by itself?

Diamond is the hardest naturally occurring mineral and can scratch all other minerals. Talc is the softest of minerals and cannot scratch any other mineral.

What are the two minerals that you can scratch with a fingernail?

talc and gypsum

What mineral will not scratch glass?

A few minerals that do not scratch glass come to mind . . . talc, asbestos, mica, for instance.

What is the scratch table of rocks and minerals?

The scratch table is called the Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness and measures the hardness of minerals in relation to the known hardest (diamond) and softest (talc) minerals.

Fluorite can scratch which minerals?

Fluorite has a hardness of 4 out of 10 and can scratch gypsum, talc and anything less than 4.

What is makeup made from?

Talc, other minerals

Are there any minerals softer than talc?

There are no other minerals that are softer than talc. On Moh's hardness scale, diamonds are the hardest mineral, and talc is the softest mineral in the world.

Why can your fingernail scratch talc?

you can scratch talc becuase it is the softest mineral on the moth scale.

Can your fingernail scratch talc?

you can scratch talc becuase it is the softest mineral on the moth scale.

What can talc scratch?

Talc can scratch Talc , although Talc's hardness varies it is considered a soft mineral, that can even be scratched with a finger nail. Any mineral or material with a hardness equal to or greater than 1 on the Mohs hardness scale will be able to scratch talc. Talc is the softest mineral listed on the Mohs scale, listed as a 1 on the scale which is graded from 1 through 10, with 10 being the hardest (diamond).