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Q: What other sources might help us to better understand life in Babylonia?
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What other sources might help us to better understand life in babyonia?

There are many books and studies you can look up.

What other souce might help us to better understand life in babylonia?

Studying archaeological artifacts such as pottery, tools, and inscriptions would help provide insight into daily life in Babylonia. Additionally, analyzing historical texts, specifically those that detail social structures, customs, and beliefs of the Babylonian people, can also enhance understanding of life in ancient Babylonia.

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i understand not you. grammer better and you might awnser get.

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A. To better understand the survival methods of these insects

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the truth, straight up, in a way he might be able to understand. my girlfriend was and still is, clinically depressed and sufferes from anorexia nervosa. the best thing she did was get me involved, i am more understanding to her, and am able to judge a situation better now. believe me he might not understand immediatly, but guys are curious, he'll want to know about it, to better understand you.

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Many things can help understand the theme. If you're looking for one word, you might be thinking of symbols

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I'm not expert, but I might say that other, better, energy sources were not around at the time when they choose there main energy source.

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I do not understand your question. If you are foreign, you might want to study your English better. By the way, his name is Spongebob.

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