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Q: What other system in your body works with digestive system?
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What other system does the digestive work with?

The digestive system works with all of the systems in your body. To be more specific it works with the urinary, muscular, and the nervous system really work with the digestive system. Another is the circulatory system, it helps get the harvested nutrients to the other parts of your body.

How do the digestive system works with the other body systems?

the digestive system works with our other system in different ways. one example is the liver. the liver sends out nutrients to through out the body and after the small intestines absorbs the nutrients and give the to the liver. the liver need to help the circulatory system to do it. the blood vessels of the liver gives the nutrients back to the body, and that's a example of how the digestive system works with other systems in your body.

The circulatory system works with what other system to get nutrients to all body parts?

The circulatory system works with digestive system to circulate the nutrients to all the body parts. The nutrients are digested and absorbed by the digestive system. The circulatory system circulates the nutrients throughout the body.

How the digestive system works with other systems?

The digestive system works with the excretory system. the digestive system helps get the waste products for the excretory system and the digestive system breaks down food to nutrients for the cardiovascular system to transport the nutrients to the cells in the body With circulation because the blood absorbs the nutrients from your intestines and distributes them throughout your body. The respitory because to get the blood pumping involves the heart with gets oxygen from the lungs and makes that into energy for your body. So your digestive system works with other systems to make energy for your body so you can be healthy! The digestive system works with the circulatory system because the digestive system needs to continue digesting food.

Is there any body system which works with digestive system?

Yes! Circulatory system.

What makes the digestive systems different from other body systems?

The digestive system is different from the other human body systems because the digestive system holds food and no other human body system does also the digestive system has organs that none other human body systems have.

How does an amoeba's digestive system work?

amobea's digestive system works through there body surface and they form a food vacule.

How does the urinary system work with the other body system to accomplish its job?

The urinary system works with the digestive system to release the waste from the digestion, and it also works with the circulatory system. The urinary system (again) releases waste from the body and filters the blood inside of you.

What other body systems work with the digestive body system?

The circulatory system is connected to the digestive system. The circulatory system is important to the digestive system so that digestion can take place and so that nutrients can be released into the bloodstream.

How do the digestive system and cardiovascular system support each other?

the digestive system breaks down large food molecules into smaller food molecules and then the cardiovascular absorbs the food and uses this material for the other parts of the body well i think that's what it is? any help

Why does the digestive system need other body systems?

The digestive system needs other body systems to provide oxygen and fight off infections. Alone, the digestive system would simply not function and die.

How the digestive system affect other body system?

tbag your mom