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Q: What part does upwelling play in the global circulation of ocean water?
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Upwelling and downwelling?

Upwelling is caused by currents on the surface. When water moves from the bottom of the ocean towards the surface it is called upwelling. Downwelling is when more dense water sinks. This process moves nutrients back to the deep part of the ocean.

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Describe the two steps of upwelling?

Upwelling is water raising from deep in the ocean to the surface. It can be caused by wind ar density currents.

How does upwelling bring fish or nutrients to the surface?

how does upwelling bring fish and nutrients to the surface

What current brings cold water to the ocean surface?

An upwelling is a current in the ocean that brings deep, cold water to the ocean surface.

What is the rising of nutrient-rich water from deep in the ocean called?


How does upwelling occur?

Upwelling is a process by which cold water is brought up from the depths of the ocean.

When upwelling takes place cold water from the deep ocean does what?

Rises to the surface.

Name for the worldwide circulation of the ocean currents which transport warm water to colder areas and cold water to warmer areas?

Global Conveyor Belt

What is the movement of water from the deep ocean to the surface?

Conveyor Belt Cycling describes the movement of the ocean water between surface and deep water.

How does the process of upwelling affect the distribution of life in the ocean?

The water brought to the surface by upwelling tends to be richer in nutrients than the water it replaces--more nutrients, more life.

What isn't associated with upwelling?

Upwelling is when the winds cause nutrient rich waters from lower levels of the ocean to replace the surface water. Upwelling's are usually caused by coastal surges or open oceans.