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1w ago

Breaking the tablet models the mechanical digestion process, where food is physically broken down into smaller pieces to increase its surface area for chemical digestion to occur effectively. This mimics the first step of digestion that occurs in the mouth when we chew our food.

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Q: What part of digestion was modeled by breaking the tablet?
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Where is hydrochloric acid to the food mass?

Hydrochloric acid is naturally produced in the human stomach as part of gastric acid which helps in the digestion process by breaking down food. It is not added directly to food but is produced in the stomach to aid in the breakdown of proteins and kill any potential harmful bacteria in the food.

Is hydrochloric acid chemical digestion?

Hydrochloric acid is not a part of the digestive enzymes responsible for breaking down food in the stomach. Instead, its primary role is to create an acidic environment that activates the digestive enzymes and helps kill bacteria in the stomach.

What is the Use of ethyl cellulose in floating tablets?

Ethyl cellulose is commonly used in floating tablets as a hydrophobic polymer to provide controlled release of drugs by forming a barrier that slows down the penetration of water into the tablet core. This helps the tablet to float on the gastric fluids, prolonging the residence time in the stomach and improving drug absorption. Ethyl cellulose can also enhance the buoyancy of the tablet due to its low density, which aids in maintaining the tablet in the upper part of the stomach.

What part of the body contains acid that kills microorganisms in your food?

The stomach contains hydrochloric acid which helps to kill microorganisms in food and aids in digestion.

Explain the process of digestion if a student puts a plain cracker in their mouth, chews it, and holds the mush in their mouth. Mention the pH, temperature, enzyme, substrate and products. ?

Part of the human body

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Is digestion an acid?

Digestion is the PROCESS of breaking food down so that it can be used by a body. In humans, PART of that process involves an acid in your stomach.

What cell part acts like a stomach breaking down material?

Materials are broken down by lysosmes. They are the recycle bin

The process of breaking down food into small nutrient molecules?

mastication i think....i know that is at least the first part of the process that takes place in your moth.......i think its the whole thing..

Where do enzymes start?

Enzymes play a very important part in the process of digestion. Enzymes are in saliva, and they play the role of breaking down food.

What are some functions to the buccal cavity in digesting foods?

Its is the first part of alimentary cansl, it recives food mixes it with saliva and begins digestion by breaking them into smaller pieces

What part of the cell participates in digestion?

The Lysosome is responsible for digestion.

What part of digestion involves a physical change?

mechanical digestion

The process of breaking down food to release its energy is called?

The process of breaking down food so we can absorb it is called digestion. Releasing the energy by breaking it down further in our cells is respiration.

What is the digestive function of the mouth?

The mouth plays the first part in digestion. While the teeth chew the food to enable it to be swallowed, enzymes in the saliva begin breaking the food down.

What type of change that occurs in mechanical digestion?

By definition mechanical digestion is a physical part of digestion.

What parts in the mouth aid in digestion?

Every part of the mouth aids in digestion. This includes the tongue and teeth. The mouth is responsible for the first part of digestion.

Wetting down of food in the mouth is part of digestion?

Wetting down of food in the mouth is part of digestion?"