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The liver.
I think it's the liver...

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Q: What part of digestive system gets rid of waste?
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If you mean what body system it's a part of the Digestive System

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What part of the digestive system is waste consolidated before being expelled?

Waste is consolidated in the colon which is part of the large intestine.

What system is anus in?

The anus is part of the digestive system and it is through there that undigestible waste exits the body.

Is there a part in the digestive system that begins with the letter r?

The rectum is part of the digestive system. It is the last part of the large intestine in which waste is stored until it leaves the body through the anus.

What body system contains the digestive system?

Gastro intestinal tract /systemThe digestive system.

What body system is the anus a part of?

The anus belongs to the digestive system because, it is apart of your colon which is in the GI tract (gastro-intesntine tract).

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The rectum is where feces are stored until they leave the digestive system through the anus as a bowel movement.

What does the rectum in the digestive system do?

The rectum is the final part of the digestive tract, and is where faeces, the waste products of digestion, are stored until they are expelled from the body. All the waste will then leave by the anus.

The gullet is part of what system?

The Gullet Is Part Of The Digestive System