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Mrs. Norris is a proper noun. Proper nouns are always capitalized.

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As it is the name of someone, it is a proper noun.

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Q: What part of speech is Mrs. Norris?
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What is filch's cat called?

The cats name is Mrs Norris.

What part of speech is taunts in the sentence The taunts are rude and need to stop cried Mrs Norri?

In the sentence, "'The taunts are rude and need to stop', cried Mrs. Norris": "The" is a definite article; "taunts" is a noun; "are" is a state of being verb; "rude" is an adjective used as an objective complement; "and" is a coordinating conjunction; "need" is an active verb in its present tense with a plural subject; "to stop" is an active verb in its infinitive form, functioning as a noun; "cried" is an active verb in its past tense form; and "Mrs. Norris" is a proper noun.

What creature inside the Chamber of Secrets petrified Mrs Norris?

The Basilisk petrified Mrs Norris and the other students.

Who is Chuck Norris' wife?

Chuck Norris cannot love. He can only "not kill"

Who is Mrs Norris in 'Harry Potter'?

Mrs. Norris is the name of the cat that is owned by Mr. Filch, the caretaker. In the second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Mrs. Norris was the first one to be petrified by the basilisk. Harry was blamed by Filch for petrifying his cat.

What part of speech Mrs?

Mrs. is an abbreviation for the title "Mrs." which is a noun used to refer to a married woman.

What was the name of Flich's cat?

mrs. norris

What position does Mr Norris play on the Quidditch team?

There is no character by the name Mr Norris in the Harry Potter series. The closest is Mrs Norris, who is a cat and does not play Quidditch.

What did Gilderoy Lockhart think killed Mrs Norris?

Mrs. Norris was not killed, just petrified. The creature that did it to her was a baslisk, which is a giant snake. When you look into the eyes if a basilisk, it kills you. But, Moaning Myrtle had flooded the bathroom, so there was water on the ground. Mrs. Norris only saw the basilisk's reflection, so she was only petrified. :-)

Who petrified Mrs Norris?

The Balisk in Harry Potter.

What part of speech in dictate?

The word dictate is a verb. Mrs. Jones will dictate a letter now.

Who is Mrs Norris in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Mrs Norris is Argus Filch's cat. She travels around the school either with Filch or own her own, but can get Filch extremely quickly if she spots any rule breakers. All Hogwarts students hate Mrs Norris and many have expressed a desire to kick her.