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Q: What part of speech is a field mouse scampered by?
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What part of speech is mouse?

Mouse can be a noun or a verb. As a noun: "A mouse is a rodent." As a verb: "Now, mouse over to the icon and double click."

What part of speech is of the field?

"Of the field" is a prepositional phrase. The word "of" is a preposition, and "the field" is the object of the preposition.

What part of speech is in the field?

In is a preposition, the is an article, and field is a noun.

What part of speech is field in?

In is a preposition, the is an article, and field is a noun.

What part of speech is mice?

The word mice is a noun. It is the plural form of the word mouse.

What part of speech is the word field?

The part of speech for field depends on how the word is used.See the examples below.The coach pulled me out of the game because I didn't field the ball well.(Here, field is a verb.)The wildflowers grew in a field behind our house. (Field is a noun.)

What part of speech is trotted?

A Sentence for trotted is - The horse trotted down the road or field

What is a part of a speech of specialty?

A part of speech known as "specialty" does not exist in traditional grammar categorizations. However, a specialized area or subject within a speech can be referred to as a specialty. It typically involves expertise, focused knowledge, or skill in a particular field or topic.

What part of speech is feld?

Feld is an Old English noun. The present day equivalent is field which is also a noun.

What is the part of speech of The farmer quickly plows the empty field?

The (art) farmer (n) quickly (adv) plows (v) the (art) empty (adj) field (n)

What part of speech is credentials?

"Credentials" is a noun. It refers to the qualifications, achievements, or evidence of someone's authority or ability in a particular field.

What part of speech is experts?

"Experts" is a noun. It refers to people who have a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular subject or field.