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Q: What part of speech is the word egocentric?
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What is a sentence using the word egocentric?

He's an egocentric person who cannot consider issues from another person's point of view. She's completely egocentric an oblivious to the needs of others. As a part of normal development, infants and young children are very egocentric.

What is a sentence for the word egocentric?

He is so mean. He is also very egocentric person.

What part of speech is the word moments?

The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.

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The part of speech that the word my is used as is an adjective.

What is the difference between Piaget's egocentric speech and Vygotsky's private speech?

Piaget's egocentric speech refers to children's tendency to talk to themselves without considering others' perspectives. Vygotsky's private speech, on the other hand, is a tool used by children to regulate their thoughts and actions by speaking out loud. While both involve talking to oneself, egocentric speech is considered self-centered, while private speech serves a more functional purpose in guiding behavior.

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H is a letter, not a word. To be a part of speech, it needs to be a word.

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The part of speech for the word civilian is English grammar.

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The part of speech for the word diplomacy is a noun.

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The part of speech for the word "boulevard" is a noun.

What part of speech is speech?

The word speech is a noun.

What is the part of speech of momentous?

The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.

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"Stroobly" is not a standard English word, so it does not have a designated part of speech.