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Hypothalamus. This is supposed to be the higher center for autonomic nervous system.

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Q: What part of the brain alerts danger and keeps you safe?
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Which part of the brain keeps breathing?

brain stem

What happen when a part of the brain does not get supply of oxygen and nutrients?

You are in danger of a stroke

What part of your brain keeps you balanced?

The metencephalon which includes the pons and cerebellum.

When part of your brain keeps working even when you are sleep?

Limbic system

What part of the brain keeps you walking in a straight line?

left autrium

What is cause of brain sensations upon falling asleep?

Well the brain keeps on working at night.The things that we listen/see/talk about keeps on going in your mind. That is why we get dreams related to us!Its all about our thoughts.Our human body is kind of a machine that keeps on working and reacts to it and in which BRAIN is the most important part!

What is responsible for keeping your heart beating?

The adrenal medulla is the part of the brain that keeps the heart beating

Why is the brainstem the most important part of the brain?

the brain stem is small part of the brain and the most important one because it keeps you breathing,keep your heart beating and also keep food moving through your digestive system.

What part of the brain deals with anger fear and danger responses?

The amygdala, located in the limbic system of the brain, is primarily responsible for processing emotions such as anger and fear, as well as triggering responses to potential dangers. It plays a crucial role in the body's fight-or-flight response to threatening situations.

What part of the brain keeps muscles working together?

The cerebellum is located near the back of the brain and his cupped around the brainstem. This portion of the brain is responsible for muscle coordination, balance, involuntary movements.

What part of the brain helps you stay focused and ignore distractions?

I'm not sure but the reticular activating system is what keeps you alert.

Which part of the brain keeps track of your bodys position?

It's referred to as the sensory strip, it runs up/down in the temporal area.