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the inner ear

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Q: What part of the ear is responsible for balance?
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Which part of the hear involve in human body equilibrium?

The vestibular apparatus in the inner ear is responsible for keeping balance/equilibrium.

What part of the inner ear is that like a coiled tube and contain the sense of balance?

The semicircular canals and the vestibule are responsible for balance.

What is responsible for balance?

Vestibular apparatus from the middle ear is mainly responsible for balance.

What part of the inner ear is involved in perceiving static balance?

The part which is responsible for dynamic balance is the semicircular canals while the one responsible for static balance is the vestibule, which is primarily composed of saccule and utricle.

What parts of the ear are responsible for hearing?

there are 3 part's... the outer ear, the inner ear, and the middle ear. all of these are responsible for hearing but the inner is for balance also.

What are the structures of equiloibrium?

The ears help with balance. The structures of the ear that help with keeping an equilibrium is the inner ear. The inner ear is responsible for hearing and balance.

Which part contain your body balance?

ear are the part of body which keep our body balance and this is due to the bones and fluid present in ear.

What structure in the ear is responsible for helping a person maintain balance?


What organs of the body involved in the sense of balance?

The ear is responsible for a human's sense of balance. Balance is basically determined by the amount of fluid found in one's inner ear.

What part of ear is affected when YOU ARE not able to maintain your balance while rotating your head?

which part of the ear is affected when you are not able to maintain your balance while rotating your head

What part of the ear is affected when you are not able to maintain balance while rotating your head?

which part of the ear is affected when you are not able to maintain your balance while rotating your head

Which part of the ear maintaing body balance?

The labyrinth.