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Roughly the range of frequencies between 50 KHz and 100 GHz, give or take an octave.

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The radio wave part of the electromagnetic spectrum is typically used for communication because it can travel long distances and pass through obstacles like buildings or clouds. Radio waves have varying frequencies, which are used for different types of communication such as AM/FM radio, television, cell phones, and Wi-Fi.

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radio waves

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Q: What part of the electromagnetic spectrum usually used for communication is?
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What part of the electromagnetic spectrum is used in communication?


Why is sound not part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Sound is a mechanical wave that requires a medium, such as air or water, to propagate. Electromagnetic waves, on the other hand, do not require a medium and can travel through a vacuum. This fundamental difference in how they travel means that sound is not considered part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What type of radiation is used in mobile phone communication networks?

radio waves (part of the electromagnetic spectrum)

The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that you can actually see is called the spectrum?

The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that we can see is called visible light. It is the range of electromagnetic radiation that the human eye is sensitive to, with wavelengths between approximately 400 to 700 nanometers.

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum has the lowest frequency?

Radio waves have the lowest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum. They have longer wavelengths and are commonly used for communication purposes like radio broadcasting and telecommunications.

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum has the lowest energy?

Radio waves have the lowest energy in the electromagnetic spectrum.

How is the electromagnetic spectrum useful?

The electromagnetic spectrum is useful because it allows us to study and understand a wide range of phenomena, from the properties of light to the behavior of celestial objects. It is also essential for various technologies like communication systems, medical imaging, and remote sensing. By exploring different regions of the spectrum, scientists can gather valuable data and make new discoveries.

What is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum called?

We call that the visible or optical spectrum.

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum does cholophyll reflect?

the electromagnetic spectrum is reflected by different things like TVs and glass

What does the spectrum in the electromagnetic spectrum do?

I suppose you mean the visible spectrum, only a small part of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The visible spectrum is basically all of the colors the human eye can detect.

In what region of the electromagnetic spectrum is the resonant frequency of electrons in glass?

The resonant frequency of electrons in glass corresponds to the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Sentence for the word electromagnetic spectrum?

White light, which can split in to the colours is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are, cosmic rays, X-rays, UV light, infra red(IR) waves, micro waves, and radio waves. m ic ray of the spectrum