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A fatty acid consists of the polar acidic -COOH functional group and the non-polar alkyl CnH2n+1 chain, which in most cases, n=15-18.

A triglyceride consists of distinct hydrophillic (glycerol) and hydrophobic (fatty acid) sections, but to answer your question, the fatty acid itself has a hydrophillic part which is the -COOH group.

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1w ago

The carboxyl group (COOH) at one end of the fatty acid chain is hydrophilic because it is polar and can interact with water molecules. This group is responsible for the overall hydrophilic nature of fatty acids.

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13y ago

They are both. They contain one end that is hydrophobic and the other is hydrophilic.

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12y ago

The tails of fatty acids are hydrophobic, they avoid water. The heads of fatty acids are hydrophyllic, they are attracted to water.

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11y ago

no the fatty acid tails are hydrophobic always, the head is hydrophilic

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14y ago

The polar head group of the fatty acid is hydrophilic, because it will associate readily with polar water molecules. The long, aliphatic tail will be hydrophobic.

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Which portion of a fatty acid is hydrophilic?


Why is one side of a fatty acid hydrophilic?

Because fatty avid has 'COOH' at one terminal which is polar part and attracted by water.

What is the function hydrophilic heads?

Hydrophobic is the tail of the the molecule that is atrracted to fatty acids and is a water fearing subtance. Also the tail is None-Polar. Hydrophilic is fatty acid fearing and is attracted to water it is the head of the hydrophobic tail. The head is polar.

Which end of the fatty acid would dissolve in water which wouldn't?

The carboxylic acid end of a fatty acid dissolves in water due to its hydrophilic (water-attracting) properties. The hydrocarbon chain of the fatty acid is hydrophobic and does not dissolve in water.

How do two ends of a fatty acid differ?

The two ends of a fatty acid differ in terms of their chemical structure. The carboxylic acid end (COOH) is hydrophilic and polar, making it soluble in water. The hydrocarbon chain end is hydrophobic and nonpolar, making it insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents.

Which part of a fatty acid is hydrophobic?

The hydrophobic part of a fatty acid is the long hydrocarbon chain. This nonpolar tail repels water and is responsible for the fatty acid's insolubility in water.

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Nonpolar fatty acid chains.Non fatty acid chains

Why is lactic acid not a fatty acid?

Lactic acid contains the acid part yet lacks the lipid - fatty - portion. Details available.

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The lipids would flip and the heads become hydrophobic and the tails hydrophilic

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