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Q: What part of the male reproductive system is surgically cut during sterilization vasectomy?
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What are some advantages and disadvantages of cloning as a reproductive technique?

I can list some disadvantages and they are: High failure rate, Problems during later development, Abnormal gene expression patterns and Telomeric differences which is when the chromoscones get shorter. Hope it helps because I'm still looking for advantages!

How is genetics material combined between two parents?

During sexual reproduction male and female gametes are formed in the respective reproductive organs. The gametes are haploid having half the number of chromosomes found in the parent body cells. These chromosomes have the genetic material in the form of DNA. When a male gamete unites with a female gamete during fertilization, the chromosomes in the zygote get doubled. The homologous chromosomes get paired at the time of meiosis in these offsprings and get combined by crossing over.

Why rubber bands can not be sterilize by sterrad?

it is not if rubber bands can be sterilized in Sterrad, because they can. However, they should not be used to "tie something up where the rubber surfaces are compressed against one another. The main issue with rubber is that it does absorb hydrogen peroxide and holds it, reducing the amount of hydrogen peroxide for sterilizing the Maine targeted products. To much rubber and the cycle may cancel. The other aspect is that materials like rubber and some plastics will deteriorate quickly because of the oxidation effects during sterilization.

Summarize the major accomplishments achieved during this performance appraisal period?

major accomplishments during performance during apprasial period

When did the delivery of current expected to increase during defibrillation?

delivered current during defibrillation is expected to increase with which of the following?

Related questions

What is the medical term meaning procedure of sterilization in males?

Vasectomy is the medical term for the procedure of sterilization in males. During a vasectomy, the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles, are cut or blocked to prevent sperm from reaching semen. This is a permanent form of contraception.

Which term means describes the male sterilization procedure?

Vasectomy. It's a simple procedure where the scrotum is cut open, and the "tubes" that allow sperm to travel out of the testicles are cut and tied off. Many times, this can be reversed if the man wants to have children latter in life, and occasionally it fixes itself.

What reproductive parts are affected during a vasectomy?

During a vasectomy, the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra for ejaculation, are cut or blocked. This prevents sperm from being released during ejaculation, effectively sterilizing the individual.

What does 'spay' actually mean?

The term spay is used to mean the sterilization procedure performed on female cats and dogs. During the surgery, the female reproductive organs are removed.

What is a process that prevents conception?

Any process that prevents conception is called birth control. This may be all natural such as refraining from intercourse during fertile periods, a barrier method like condoms, hormonal such as the pill or sterilization (tubal ligation or vasectomy).

Does the pH of the medium change during sterilization?

The pH of the medium typically does not change during sterilization. However, extreme conditions during certain sterilization methods, such as autoclaving, could potentially lead to a slight alteration in pH due to the breakdown of compounds present in the medium.

Is chemical sterilization permitted by OSHA?

Chemical sterilization of people as a result of exposure during their work is not permitted by OSHA.

How many different kinds of birth control are there?

There is sterilization (vasectomy, tubal ligation, Essure), internal (IUD), hormonal (BCP, shot, implant, patch, ring, etc.), barrier (Cervical cap, diaphragm, condom, and sponge), fertility-awareness (abstinence during fertile cycle), withdrawal and spermicide.

Does the pH of the media change during sterilization why?

The pH is dependent on the temperature.

Does compulsory sterilization has anything to do with world war 1?

No, this was not an issue during WW1.

Why petri dish need to be wrapped during sterilization?

They may be contaminated MORON.

Why is test tubes plugged with cotton during sterilization?

Test tubes are plugged with cotton during sterilization to allow for gas exchange while preventing contamination. The cotton acts as a barrier to prevent airborne contaminants from entering the tube during the sterilization process, while still permitting steam or gases to pass through. This helps maintain sterility within the test tube.