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the inner ear

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inner ear

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Q: What part of your ear carries signals to the brain?
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Which part of the ear send nerve signals to the brain?

inner ear

What is the nerve that sends signals from inner ear to the brain?

auditory nerve

Where in the ear in sound changed into signals that are sent to the brain?

The inner ear is responsible for converting sound waves into neural impulses that are sent to the brain.

Which nerve present in which ear carries the sound signal to the brain?


What are the electrical signals called which are sent to our brain?

There are a few things that pass message from the ear to the brain. The most likely answer is the ear canal.

Why do you hear what you hear?

Sound is a natural phenomenon. Hearing is a physiological detection of sound. For humans, the ear channels sound in. It stimulates nerves in the inner ear. Different nerves are stimulated by different frequencies. These nerves transmit their signals to the brain. The brain interprets the nerve signals, comparing them to signals it has heard before or those that are instinctively recognized. Why? Because the brain and the ear are made to work this way.

Which nerves carry sound impulses from the inner ear of the brain?

The auditory nerve carries auditory impulses to the brain.

Why does ear piercing hurt?

Ear Piercing hurts because they use a needle to make a hole in your ear but your nerves dont know that you want this done so they send signals to your brain telling your brain that something is inflicting damage upon you and your brain makes that part of you that is getting peirced send out signals which is pain. Obviously it shouldn't hurt if you get your ear numbed before peircing...

What part of the ear changes vibrations into nerve signals?

The cochlea.

What part of the ear relays a message from the ear to the brain?

tr535 y

Is the cochlea an organ?

Yes, the cochlea is the organ in the ear that helps transmit sound signals to the brain.

Does your ear or the brain do the hearing?

both. Your eardrum receives the vibrations of the sound waves, your cochlea converts that vibration into electrical signals which are then interpreted or "heard" by the auditory cortex of your brain. the brain after it picks up the sound from the ear..