

What percent of 240 is 360?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What percent of 240 is 360?
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240/360 or2/3 in fraction

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This is going to be a negative number. When you subtract 360 from 240 you will get -120 as your answer.

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600-240 = 360

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3.5 percent of 240 = 8.43.5% of 240= 3.5% * 240= 0.035 * 240= 8.4

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240 degrees

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40 per cent would be $240, so the discount price becomes $360.

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64 percent of 375 is 240.

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To convert a fraction to percent multiply by 100 % 36/240 × 100% = 15% → 36 is 15% of 240.

What is 2.5 percent of 240?

2.5 percent of 240 is nothing but, 240*(2.5/100) = 240*(1/40) = 6.