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Q: What percent of woman cant have children?
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What is the probability of a woman having four boys?

-- Zero if she has 0, 1, 2, or 3 children. -- Roughly 1/16 = 6.25 percent if she has 4 children. -- Roughly 5/32 = 15.6 percent if she has 5 children. -- Roughly 15/64 = 23.4 percent if she has 6 children.

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A woman with type o blood has children with her husband who is type AB. what percent of their children would expect to have type o blood?

its zero

A woman with type AB blood has children with her husband who is type O. What percent of their children would you expect to have type AB blood?


Does Daniel have kids?

He does not have any children, my guess is because he is too involved with his own life that he cant take on the responsibilty of children right now.

Probability of getting married and having children?

A man has an 81 percent chance to get married if they live the United States before the age of 40. A woman has an 86 percent chance of getting married.

Who has the right to have children no matter how they were created?

Any woman animal or human have the right to have children no matter how they were cant because they were not given the human natured gift like woman. ummm...yeah i guess but this is wat i put i think that anyone who loves the children and cares for them. Obviously anyone who would abuse or spoil the children has no right. hope this helps♥ ;P

Can a woman be a rev.?

a woman cant be a reverend johns 1:23

What a man should do if he cant have kids?

He can always date a woman who has a child from a previous relationship, or adopt. There are plenty of children, especially here in America, who need a good home.

How do you change ten percent WV to 0.85 percent WV?

u cant

How many children a woman can have in maximum during her lifetime?

A woman can have at least 20 children

How do you prevent chorea?

you cant it is hereditory and occurs in children pre-puberty you cant it is hereditory and occurs in children pre-puberty