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The "earth's interior" is thought to be composed of magma and, at the core, molten iron and perhaps some nickel. If we look out on the crust of the earth, some 75-80% of the surface of our planet is composed of sedimentary rock. That leaves some 20-25% left to be composed of igneous and metamorphic rock. Links can be found below to relevant material in Wikipedia, where knowledge is free.

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Q: What percentage of earth's interior is composed of igneous and metamorphic rock?
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What does the earths crust have?

it is composed of igneous sedimentry and metamorphic

Is metamorphic rock crystalline or composed of crystals?

Metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rock are all composed of crystals, which vary greatly in size.

What percentage of Earth's crust is metamorphic rock?

According to 118 118, metamorphic rocks make up about 85% of the earth's Continental crust. According to wiki.answers, 75-80% of the earth's surface is composed of sedimentary rock. 20-25% left to be composed of igneous and metamorphic rock.

What layer of the earth is composed of igneous metamorphic and sedimentary rock?

The crust.

What describes the composition of the lithosphere?

The lithosphere is composed of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock.

What energy source drives the processes that form igneous and metamorphic rocks is found in?

earth's interior

What provides the heat that drives the formation of igneous and metamorphic rock?

Earths hot interior

What provides the heat that drives the formation of igneous and metamorphic rocks?

Earths hot interior

What percentage of earth's crust is composed of igneous and metamorphic rock?

Approximately 95% of Earth's crust is composed of igneous and metamorphic rock. This includes rocks like granite, basalt, and schist, formed from the cooling and solidification of magma and the alteration of existing rocks under high heat and pressure. Sedimentary rocks make up the remaining 5% of the crust.

Where is the energy source found that drives the process that form igneous and metamorphic rock?

earths interior

What type of rocks make up the earths crust?

The crust is composed of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

Does the sun driver the processes that form igneous and metamorphic rocks?

No. Heat from the interior of the Earth trying to reach the surface drives lithospheric plate movements which are mostly responsible for the formation of igneous and metamorphic rocks.