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I have no idea but probably about 99% of the kids out there hate school. I just have to say that if someone hated school so much he just wouldn't go, but

everyone needs a future and sadly it's the only way to get one.

So usually someone who says he doesn't want to go to school it just means he hates

school but usually he would want to go.

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11y ago

I can't say the percentage but I know there is alot. Kids come home from there school and tell parents what there friends say. And I have heard "So, and so did not want to do there home work, cause she was struggling and told ,me we won't even use it when we are older." and I have heard, "Mom I hate home work, why can't we just do it AT school." But I know some kids who like school and who are willing to do the work and get it done.

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16y ago

School is like a job - everyone has times when they don't want to go! Most students understand that education is important for preparing them to be successful in a career later, so even if they don't enjoy going to school every day, they go anyway. Ways to cut down on this feeling * remind yourself that school really does not last that long - just seven hours - most jobs last at least eight * tell yourself that it will go faster if you concentrate and work - people get bored because they are not doing anything, or are not concentrating * think about how this will help you to succeed in your chosen career - if you don't think that it will, ask your teachers how this particular class is going to help (ask politely, so they don't think you are being a smart-arse!) * remember that school actually lasts for less than one-tenth of your life!

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13y ago

the previous answer was none of them the person who wrote that was clearly ignorant 99.999 percent of children feel school is like a prison. and i speak as a child who goes to school

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14y ago

More likely it varies depending on the school.

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9y ago

There have been several polls done in different schools to see how many children liked and disliked school. In most polls, the children that hated school was low, about 10 percent.

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Q: What percentage of kids in the US don't like homework?
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Do most kids hate homework than like it?

it all depends on if u like the subject or not and if its easy but most of the time thats a fat no kids like me dont like homework they just want to have fun and dont have to worry bout nonthang once they het home

What is the percentage of kids who don't like homework?

i would assume none according to my experience, but there has to always be a margin for error, so my final answer is: none.There are actually plenty of kids who enjoy learning and like the challenge of doing their work.

What percent of students do not do their homework?

There are no scientific studies to provide accurate numbers for this, but most kids do their work so they don't flunk out of class The percentage of kids in the world that do not do their homework is not known, but hopefully it is very small.

Of there was a survay how much kids like homework at home how many from the 10 would like that?

If there is a survey of where the kids would love to do their homework most will choose at school.

Do kids like homework?

confirmed by an 11 year old kid I despise homework

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Kids just have it easy to do their homework on google.They should'nt.Its ok if they look up examples but not their complete homework.Anyways kids are like that.

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Sounds like homework.

What percentage of kids dont like school uniforms?

It's difficult to determine an exact percentage, as opinions on school uniforms can vary widely among kids. Some kids may not like uniforms due to feeling restricted in their personal expression, while others may appreciate the simplicity and equality that uniforms provide. Ultimately, the percentage of kids who don't like school uniforms would depend on the specific school environment and the individual preferences of the students.

How does technology help kids do homework?

It helps kids with research like for instance on history homework or biology. Even some silly questions like......."Which is healthier Peanut butter or jelly?" or " When was the revolutionary war declared" or "who lead the continental army?" Thats what technology does to help kids on homework. =) Have a nice day!

How does homework make kids feel?

It depends on the kid! Some kids like learning and enjoy the challenge of doing homework, while others stress out and hate the work

Can homework even help kids?

Some kids do, because their mind will wonder off (mostly because it will get boring for them.) Although, other kids will stay completely focused the entire time. If you just look over at them when they are doing their homework you can definitely tell.

Do parents like when kids have homework?

sometimes yes because we dont get bothered and we can get things done, but sometimes no because we can never do any thing fun with them. we also cant get out of the house. BORING!