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Q: What percentage of women live to 80 years old?
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What percentage of people live to 97 years old?

0.3% or about 3 in 1,000.

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What percentage of people live to be 80 years old?

45 %

How long do people live in Japan?

Men live to 79 years old. Women live a little over 86 years old.

What percentage of Americans live to be 12 years old?

95% of Americans live to be twelve.

What percentage of Americans live to be 80 years of age?

Around 23% of Americans live to be 80 years old. This percentage has been increasing over the years due to advancements in healthcare and lifestyle changes.

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How long do Kenya men and women live and why?

Most live up till 2 years old

What patriots and loyalists are still alive?

You have to understand that a person who was alive in the revolution would be over 200 years old. No one is 200+ years old. The best a person can live is a 100+, but the average age of men to live is 72 years old and for women is 84 years old.

What percent of people live to 116 years old?

Very few people live to be 116 years old. According to current data, the percentage of people who reach 116 years old is incredibly small, with only a handful of verified cases worldwide.

How much better life span do non-smokers have?

Male smokers who quit at 35 years old can be expected to live to be 76 years old instead of 69 years if they were still smoking. Women who quit would live to be 80 years old instead of 74 years.

What percent of Americans live to be 67 years old?

As of 2020, around 80% of Americans live to be 67 years old. This percentage has been steadily increasing over the years due to advancements in healthcare and overall improvements in quality of life.