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Q: What percussion instruments are used in calypso?
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Is melodies always played with percussion instruments?

Percussion instruments are instruments such as the drums. The guitar can be used for percussion although it is a string instrument. No, percussion instruments are not used for playing the melody.

Which are the percussion instruments used in khyal?

The tabla.

What are the instruments used during an open cholecystectomy?

Strings, woodwinds and percussion instruments

What Instruments are used in a Symphonic Orchstra?

Strings, Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion instruments.

What are all the instruments in a percussion orchestra?

There are a lot of Percussion instruments used in an orchestra but here are some of the common ones:PianoTimpaniXylophonesCymbalsTrianglesSnare drumBass drumTambourineMaracasGongChimesCastanetsCelesta, And etc.

What is the difference between percussion instruments and tuned instruments?

Percussion instruments are instruments that can be tuned or not but tuned instruments are tuned.

Is the Xylophone used in orchestra music?

No Xylophones are percussion instruments and percussion instuments are played in Bands.

The xylophone and the tympani are what kind of instrument?

They are classed as percussion instruments.

What is calypso rhythm?

Calypso rhythm is a style of music and dance originating from Trinidad and Tobago. It is characterized by its syncopated beat, usually played in 2/4 time signature. It often features lively percussion instruments such as steel drums and maracas.

What instruments are used in Samba bands?

Stringed, percussion, brass, and wind instruments are used to produce Samba music.

What category of instruments drums fall under?

A Drum or Drums, are part of the Percussion family :)

Are string instruments the same as percussion insruments?

No, because string instruments use either a bow or a pick. And percussion instruments are used with your hands, sticks et cetera. The piano is the only string instrument that people think is a percussion because it has keys.