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Q: What person or group serves as the chief executive in the parliamentary system?
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Related questions

Is the executive in a parliamentary system elected by the people?


Who is the head of the executive in a parliamentary system?

the Prime minister

Who elected the executive in a parliamentary system of government?

The Members of Parliament

In the English parliamentary system what is the executive called?

prim minister

The executive in a parliamentary system is elected by the people?


Who is the head of the executive branch a parliamentary system?

the Prime minister

Who is the head of the executive in a branch parliamentary system?

the Prime minister

Who is the head of the executive branch of the parliamentary system?

the prime minister

How executive of parliamentary system make decision?

I believe the president.

Who is in head of executive branch in a parliamentary system?

the Prime minister

What is the difference between the parliamentary system and the American congressional system?

In a congressional system the President holds a lot of power, hence the name executive branch. In a parliamentary system the power is spread wider out and one person does not have absolute power. In a parliamentary system there is a wider representation of people, more representatives, and many different positions.

What is a similarity between the parliamentary system of government and the American federal system of government?

They both have an Executive. ;)