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This is a part of a classic example of obfuscated English and refers to a hill, as in "Jack and Jill went up the hill" etc.

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Q: What phrase means the same as a natural geological protuberance?
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Geological means the Earth natural happenings.If earthquakes and other natural disaster keeps happening,civilization would not continue as many would die

What does papilla?

means a small nipple like projection , such as protuberance on the skin

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Location on a single tectonic plate in which means natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanoes do not occur. eg; Australia

What word means the same as the word bulge?

swelling, bump, lump, protuberance, prominence, tumescence.

Where can one find information on natural resources?

Your local geological organization is a great place to find information on natural resources. Local libraries are also an undoubtedly good means of information concerning natural resources.

What does geological?

"Geo" means "earth"; "logy" means "the study of". So geology is the science of studying the earth. Something that is geological would pertain to this science in some way; for example, a geological survey.

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It means that the world that you are on, is constanly changing at the surface

What does the phrase natural comic mean?

It means a comic who is funny without practice or training. He or she is just plain hilarious.

Can you give me another words that means projection?

You're looking for a synonym for projection. (:Those would be extension, protuberance, spur, forecast, or out thrust.

What is the Italian translation of the English phrase 'natural resources'?

Risorce naturali is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "natural resources".Specifically, the feminine noun risorce means "resources". The feminine/masculine adjective naturalitranslates as "natural". The pronunciation will be "ree-SOHR-sey NAH-too-RAH-lee" in Italian.

What is 'natural fiber' when translated from English to Italian?

Fibra naturale is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "natural fiber."Specifically, the feminine noun fibra means "fiber." The feminine/masculine adjective naturale means "natural." The pronunciation is "FEE-brah NAH-too-RAH-leh."

What is the meaning of these phrase Those first tentative steps that seem to defy the natural act of crawling?

"The natural act of crawling" - most animals crawl on four legs, and people start out crawling; it's a natural movement."First tentative steps" - tentative means hesitant; your first steps are shaky and tentative.Therefore, this phrase means that the first shaky steps seem to defy or rebel against the natural crawling movements that most animals use.