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Q: What phylum is a cow in?
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Phylum of cow?

A cow that attacks u in a vid. game your mammas 0

What is the phyla of a cow?

Phylum Chordata, like humans.

What is the kingdom phylum class order family genus species of the cow?

The cow is a member of the Animalia kingdom, the chordata phylum, and the Mammalia class. The cow is also a member of the artiodactyla, the bovidae, and the bos primigenius species and genus family.

What kingdom and phylum does mad cow disease belong to?

The infectious portion of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, the scientific name for mad cow disease) is not a living entity - it is a misfolded infectious protein. Therefore, it is not classified in the taxonomy of living creatures and has no Kingdom or Phylum.

What is the cow's family name?

The cow's family is Bovidae. The entire classification is: Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalia, Order Artiodactyla, Family Bovidae, Genus Bos and Species B. Taurus.

What is the Hierachical Classification from Phylum to Species of a cow?

This question has already been answered in such a fashion. Please see that related question below.

Is a cow a mammale?

Yes. The cow is of the Phylum Chordata and Class Mammalia, which states that this particular species has a vertebrae in the form of a backbone, and is a warm-blooded, hairy animal that produce live young and suckle them for a variable period on a secretion of mammary glands or, in the case of the cow, an udder.

Is cow is a mammal?

Yes. The cow is of the Phylum Chordata and Class Mammalia, which states that this particular species has a vertebrae in the form of a backbone, and is a warm-blooded, hairy animal that produce live young and suckle them for a variable period on a secretion of mammary glands or, in the case of the cow, an udder.

What are 5 similarities between the cow and the llama?

They both mate, they usually only have 1 baby at a time, live in grassy areas,phylum, class.