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There are many things that physically chance when a candle burns. The wick burns, and turns into ash, and wax of the candle melts and runs down the sides of the candle or container.

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9y ago
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12y ago

the wax melts. the wax is still wax, so it's a physical change. Here's a way to make it easier-If you get a pimple, you're still you, so you just look different.

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14y ago

When the candle is lit, light is produced from the heat,by which the solid wax is converted into liquid state.

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14y ago

One example is melting of the candle wax to produce the liquid that actually burns when a candle is lighted.

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11y ago

the candle melts

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Q: What physical changes happen when a candle is lit?
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What changes occur when a candle lit?

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When a birthday candle is lit on a cake, the physical change that occurs is the wax of the candle melting into liquid form due to the heat. The chemical change involves the burning of the wax vapor to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor, along with heat and light.

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No, a burning candle does not maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis refers to the ability of an organism to regulate its internal environment to maintain stable conditions necessary for survival. A burning candle is a process of combustion where fuel is consumed to produce light and heat, and it does not exhibit self-regulatory mechanisms to maintain stable conditions like an organism would.

What is the present tense of lit?

If you mean lit as in "He lit the candle", then the preset tense for lit is Light. "I am lighting the candle."

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It will burn the gas out. Then go out.

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A paschal candle is lit

Would you say The candle is lighted or The candle is lit?

Both "The candle is lighted" and "The candle is lit" are correct ways to convey that the candle is currently giving off light. "Lit" is more commonly used in spoken English.

What did one candle said to the other candle?

This is lit.

What is the candle lit in Easter season?

Paschal candle.

What form is was the energy originally in candle before it was lit?

The energy in a candle comes from the chemical potential energy stored in the wax. This energy is released in the form of heat and light when the candle is lit, due to the process of combustion.

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it would make the lollypop turn into ice.

Is a lit candle Alive?
