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Overall as atomic number increases covalent radius increases.

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Q: What physical trends for atomic number versus covalent radius?
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Does francium have a small radius?

The covalent atomic radius of francium is 260 pm and this value is not small.

Is metallic radius only for metals?

Yes. There are other measures for ions (ionic radius) and free atoms(atomic radius) and covalent radius. Metallic, ionic and covalent are based on measurements of distances in crystals or covelnt bond lengths, atomic radius is based more on calcuation than observation.

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The other word for atomic radius includes the Van der Waals radius, ionic radius, and covalent radius. The atomic radius refers to half the distance between the nuclei of identical neighboring atoms in the solid form of an element.

What is the viscosity of Astatine?

According to Webelements, the estimated density of astatine is 6400 kg/m3.

What is the atomic size of helium?

The covalent radius of helium is 32 pico meter.

How can you use the word atomic radius in a sentence?

Please tell me your atomicnumber.You just did 'use atomic number in a sentence' by putting this question on-screen.You could even read the above question and answers aloud, and you will have done it again.I just couldn't believe my eyes when I realized that an atomic number is revealed by the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom!"What is your atomic number?" is NOT a good pick-up line, unless you are speaking to a scientifically-minded person.The atomic number of Helium is 2."The atomic number of Sulfur is 16."(Note that atomic number means the number of protons in the atom, that's why the term proton number is interchangeable with atomic number.)See the related Wikipedia link listed below for more information: