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The plot centers on Leonard and Leslie having sex, but Leonard finding out this does NOT mean they are getting intimate. The two of them getting together was made possible by them playing together in a string quartet. In this sense, the string quartet can be considered a "macguffin," as it is simply something to move the plot along. It could just as easily have been a charity event, a lab experiment, or a chance meeting in the park.

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Q: What piece did the string quartet play in the Hamburger Postulate episode of The Big Bang Theory?
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Dalton's atomic theory is it still believed today?

of course Dalton's atomic theory is still believed today. but it has some defects, like his first postulate states that an atom is indivisible. but as you know its not correct. but the 4th and 5th postulate of his were exactly correct and are still the basis today. for a better answer please check on wikipedia.

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Watch The Big Bang Theory Season 3 Episode 4 online ? want to Watch The Big Bang Theory Season 3 Episode 4 online ? You can Watch The Big Bang Theory Season 3 Episode 4 online at this site over for free:

What episode of the big bang theory is it Halloween?

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