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Bad idea. There are some fertility drugs, but they have to be prescribed by a doctor.. and in odd cases result in things like occupants. I'd say, just go the natural way.

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14y ago

There are some fertility pills that can be taken, but mostly it is the luck of nature.

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Q: What pills can be taken to get triplets?
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What are the risk of fertility pills?

main risk of fertility pills is multiple pregnancy. twins, triplets, qudruplets...... that may complecate pregnancy, otherwise fertility pills are safe.

How many pills are taken every day in general?

about 3 pills are taken a day

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What pills can be crushed THEN injected?

Pills are not supposed to be taken parenterally ie as injections

You have 3 pills. 1 must be taken every 30mins. How long until all pills had been taken?

60 mins

Is one or two pills sufficient dose for osteoarthritis?

That depend on what the pills are being taken.

Can you get pregnant the week after your 21 pills are taken?


What are the types of birth control pills that can be taken only once in a month?

tHE ONES PRECETIVE BY THE DOCTOR they may be medication pills morainter pills and emsovia pills

If a doctor gives you 3 pills?

If a doctor gives you 3 pills it is important to be clear about how the pills are taken. Make sure to get directions and to take the pills in the way that they are prescribed.

How do you spell triplets?


Is it wrong to take the inactive pills while you are on your period?

No, they are intended for you to keep track of the pills (active) that you have taken.

Are the white pills taken when you have your periods?

no, take it before and you won't have your period the first three rows of pills have hormones in them that will regulate your period..the last row is actually only sugar pills and you are supposed to have your period on those pills. However, you can get pregnant on the pill if not taken exactly how you are supposed to.