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No planet has 19 moons and 1000 rings. Four planets have rings: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. All have over 20 known moons.

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The answer to that is Saturn.

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Q: What planet has 19 moons and 1000 rings?
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What planet is next to the moon today?

If you are talking today as in October 19, 2010.....the King of the planets...Jupiter. :)

10 good facts about Jupiter?

1) Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. 2) You can fit 1,321 Earths inside Jupiter. 3) Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the Solar System. 4) The clouds on Jupiter are only 50 km thick. 5) Jupiter's magnetic field is 14 times as strong as Earth. 6) Jupiter has 63 moons. 7) Jupiter has been visited 7 times by spacecraft from Earth. 8) Jupiter is twice as heavy as all of the other seven planets added together. 9) Jupiter was named after 'Jupiter', the king of Roman gods. 10) Jupiter has the shortest day in the Solar System, extending up to only 10 hours.

What is the smallest mountain on the solar system?

There are hundreds of Moons that are around 10 kilometers or less in diameter. Mainly in orbit around Jupiter or Saturn. Jupiter's smallest moon is probably S/2003 J 12 or S/2003 J9 at only 1 kilometer in diameter. Saturn's smallest moon is probably Aegaeon at only 0.5 kilometer in diameter - although it is classified as a moonlet. If you don't want the moon to be around a planet, the Asteroid IDA (243 IDA) has a tiny moon called Dactyl which is under a kilometer in diameter. See related for a full list of known moons and their sizes. Ijiraq one of Saturn's moons is only six miles aCROSS

How are the planets grouped?

The Theory is different depending on which culture you're referring to.Scientificly the planets are divided between two main types. Terrestrial (rocky/Earth-like) and Jovian (Gas giants/Jupiter-like) planets.In our Solar System there are 4 of each. Earth, Venus, Mars and Mercury are terrestrial and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are jovian.So far all extra-solar planets discovered are jovian because at the moment we can only detect large planets.Anything between the sizes of Eris and Ceres (Which includes Pluto but excludes 19 moons) are considered dwarf planets. Anything smaller is a minor planet (also called asteroids or planetoids).

What is cos 19?

cos(19 = 0.9455185756

Related questions

What planet has 19 moons?

No planet has 19 moons as of June 2014. Earth has one moon and Mars has two. Mercury and Venus have no moons. The other planets all have more than 20 moons.

Does Saturn have 19 moons?

Saturn has 62 named moons.

Do moons have moons?

The 19-mile-wide asteroid 243 Ida, which orbits the Sun every 4.8 years, has it's own little pet moon Dactyl, which is only about a mile wide. While moons can have moons, these sub-moonsoften don't last long. Many moons that orbit planets are tidally locked, meaning that one side of the moon always faces the planet.

What is 19 over 1000 in simplest form?

19/1000 is in its simplest form.

What is 1000 times 19?

1000 * 19 = 19,000

When was Ten Million Moons created?

Ten Million Moons was created on 2009-05-19.

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What is the simplest form of 19 over 1000?

19 over 1000 is the simplest form

When do blue moons come out is it every 19 years or months?

Months! A blue moon is when there are 2 full moons in 1 month.

What is the percentage 190 out of 1000?

190 is 19% of 1,000. (190/1000 x 100% = 19%)

When was Chaos Rings Omega created?

Chaos Rings Omega was created on 2011-05-19.

How many seconds are there in 19 milliseconds?

There are 1000 milliseconds in one second. Therefore, 19 milliseconds is equal to 19/1000 = 0.019 seconds.