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The Earth's axial tilt is 23.5 degrees, so a planet like Earth, in the same orbit around an identical star, would have weather very similar to Earth's.

The polar regions would be larger and might be cooler because they would receive less sunlight. The "temperate regions" would be narrower. Overall, a given location would probably experience less temperature variation from winter to summer; high latitudes would be colder and low latitudes would be hotter.

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if a planet rotates on an axis 25 degress. what can u infer about its seasons

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Uranus has the most extreme seasons of any of the planets of our solar system, with an axial tilt of 97.77 degrees, causing its axis of rotation to be nearly parallel with the sun.

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Mars, earth

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Q: What planet has a tilted axis that causes seasons?
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What planet has a tilted axis causes seasons?


What causes your planet to have sesons?

The Earth has seasons because it polar axis is tilted relative to its orbit.

A tilted axis causes us to have?


What planet has tilted on your axis which gives you seasons?


What happens when the earth is tilted on it axis?

That's what causes the seasons.

What does the earths tilted axis cause?

The tilting of the Earth on its axis exposes the planet to different levels of sunlight, this in turn causes temperature variations and results in what is known as seasons.

What planet has no seasons?

Mercury, I believe. It's because its axis isn't tilted.

Which planet has a tilted axis so that the planet has seasons?

Uranus and Pluto have a tilt and have extreme seasons. Mars, Saturn, and Neptune have seasons that are similar to ours.

Why don't we have seasons if the axis is tilted?

On the contrary, we have seasons precisely because the Earth's axis is tilted.

What is caused by your tilted axis and your orbit?

Earth's tilted axis and orbit around the sun cause the changing of seasons. The tilt of Earth's axis means that different parts of the planet receive varying amounts of sunlight during different times of the year, resulting in the familiar cycle of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

Which planet's axis is not tilted?

There is more than one planet that has not tilt. The planets are Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. The planet's also do not have seasons.

What planet has a axis that causes seasons?

Mars, earth