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Q: What planet has ice caps that change in size with the seasons other than earth?
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What two planets have seasons?

there is no other planet ecsept earth which have seasons

Unique features only on earth of the weather?

The earth has very unique weather when compared to other planets. It is the only planet that experiences the four different seasons due to the planetÕs tilt. The planet earth is the only planet to experience temperate climates.

Which of the planet other than earth has an atmosphere and season?

The truth is, the other planets DO have atmosphere's.The other planets also have seasons

Why do astronomers think that besides earth other planets in the solar system also have season?

Because SEASONS are caused by the tilt of a planet's axis of rotation (spin) as compared to the plane in which the planet orbits (goes round) the Sun. Earth has an axial tilt and so do MOST of the other planets. This means that these planets will also have seasons.

Do all planets have seasons?

No. because every other planet except earth has life on it. so there would be no show in changing of season.

What causes the different seasons in earth?

Seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth on its axis. When the Southern Hemisphere is facing the sun more directly, it is summer there and winter in the Northern Hemisphere. When the earth is not tilted, it is spring in one place and fall in the other. That was a question on my science test. Weird.

How would the seasons change if the earth rotated left im only in fourth grade please answer?

If earth rotated the opposite direction, seasons wouldn't change because they are caused by earth's axis being at a 23.5 degrees tilt. So one hemisphere has the opposite season than the other. Seasons occur because one half of the earth is tilted more towards the sun and the other is further.

Why does the earth have seasons while other planets do not?

The other planets actually do have seasons.

Why do northern and southern hemisphere experience opposite seasons?

They experience opposite seasons because one part of the planet is exposed to the rays of the sun than the other, and this exposure alternates as the earth revolves in it's orbit

What are the names of saturns seasons?

Saturn does have seasons, each of them lasting over nine years. The thickness of Saturn's rings though hard to see at times show what season the ringed planet is in. It takes 29 years for Saturn to complete its journey around the Sun. As Saturn moves along its orbit, first one hemisphere, then the other is tilted towards the Sun. This change causes seasons on Saturn, just as the Earth's tilt causes seasons on our planet. This allows Saturn to experience the same four seasons.

Why is earth a good planet for life?

Earth is an excellent example of a planet that supports the kind of DNA-based life found on this planet. It has the proper range of temperatures, seasons, amount of liquid water, and proportions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, and other vital components necessary for the creation of such life.

Why does the position of stars seem to change as seasons change?

The earth is rotating around the sun. Therefore the position of other stars (although millions of light years away) are in different orientation to that of the earth.