

Best Answer

It could be any of the eight planets that are not earth.

Three of them are not visible to the naked eye. Since the questioner is obviously no astronomer, that narrows the answer down to one of five.

It could be ...

Jupiter, or

We'd have a fighting chance at a definitive answer if the date of the observation were specified.

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Q: What planet is low in the west after sunset?
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In August 2010, the planets Venus, Mars and Saturn are visible low in the west at sunset, while the planet Jupiter rises in the east at about 9 PM.

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A Martian sunset is a sunset on the planet Mars.

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Sunset in the West was created in 1950.

Does the sunset in the west?

west is the sunset because of the gravity of the earth! and because of its rotation

What planet has a sunset in the east?

That would be Venus.

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In July, the star you are most likely to see in the sky over Phoenix, AZ is likely to be Sirius, which is the brightest star in the night sky. Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major and is often visible in the southern sky during the summer months.

Where does the sunset set?

The West.

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What we refer to as the evening star is usually the planet Venus, which rises in the west around sunset and shines brightly. The planet Mercury is also sometimes referred to as the evening star. Both are planets, not stars.

Which planet has sunrise in the west and a sunset in the east?

Venus is the planet that experiences a retrograde rotation, causing the sun to rise in the west and set in the east. This unique phenomenon is opposite to the rotation of most other planets in our solar system.

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In the West

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What does Ponyboy say is visible on both the east side and west side?

The sunset!