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Water pressure is greatest at a depth of about 10 meters below the surface, where the pressure is equivalent to the weight of a column of water 10 meters tall. This pressure is greater than the pressure exerted on an iceberg floating at the surface, as the weight of the water column increases with depth.

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Q: What point is water pressure greatest than the iceberg?
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Where will the greatest increase in pressure occur if you squeeze the middle of an upright closed plastic water bottle?

The greatest increase in pressure will occur at the middle of the water bottle where you are squeezing it, as this is where the force is being applied to compress the air inside. This compression of air will result in an increase in pressure at that point.

Water pressure is the greatest against submerged object sides of a submerged object same top?

Yes, the water pressure is greatest at the sides of a submerged object because the water depth is greatest there, resulting in more water weight pushing down. The pressure decreases as you move towards the top of the object because there is less water weight above pushing down.

Where is the pressure greatest and the least inside a bottle filled with water?

The pressure is greatest at the bottom of the bottle, where the weight of the water above creates the most force. The pressure is least at the top of the bottle, where there is less water above applying force.

Can a large iceberg have more heat than a cup of boiling water?

No, a large iceberg contains much less heat energy compared to a cup of boiling water. The heat required to raise the temperature of an iceberg even slightly is much larger than that needed to reach boiling point for a cup of water.

Do the boiling point of water directly proportional to pressure?

Yes, the boiling point of water is directly proportional to pressure. As pressure increases, the boiling point of water also increases. This is because higher pressure prevents the liquid molecules from escaping into a gaseous state, requiring higher temperatures to overcome the pressure and boil.

Related questions

How is an iceberg floating in the ocean affected by water pressure and buoyant force?

An iceberg floating in the ocean is affected by the water pressure and buoyant force on the basis of the Archimedes' principle. This dictates that a volume of a liquid must supported by the pressure of a surrounding liquid.Ê

Where will the greatest increase in pressure occur if you squeeze the middle of an upright closed plastic water bottle?

The greatest increase in pressure will occur at the middle of the water bottle where you are squeezing it, as this is where the force is being applied to compress the air inside. This compression of air will result in an increase in pressure at that point.

Where is the greatest pressure in the ocean?

At the bottom of the Mariana Trench (Pacific Ocean), where water pressure is about eight tons per square inch.

Where is the greatest osmotic pressure in fresh water?

The greatest osmotic pressure in fresh water is typically found in the roots of plants. This is where water absorption occurs through osmosis to maintain turgor pressure and facilitate nutrient uptake.

Water pressure is the greatest against submerged object sides of a submerged object same top?

Yes, the water pressure is greatest at the sides of a submerged object because the water depth is greatest there, resulting in more water weight pushing down. The pressure decreases as you move towards the top of the object because there is less water weight above pushing down.

What factor besides the temperature affects the boiling point of water?

Air pressure also affects the boiling point of water. The higher the air pressure, the higher the boiling point.

Where is the pressure greatest and the least inside a bottle filled with water?

The pressure is greatest at the bottom of the bottle, where the weight of the water above creates the most force. The pressure is least at the top of the bottle, where there is less water above applying force.

What 2 factors affect the boiling point of water?

Pressure & Temperature :) Apex

Can a large iceberg have more heat than a cup of boiling water?

No, a large iceberg contains much less heat energy compared to a cup of boiling water. The heat required to raise the temperature of an iceberg even slightly is much larger than that needed to reach boiling point for a cup of water.

What would happen if an iceberg were floating in fresh water?

Since an iceberg is fresh water in a frozen state, it would float. If the temperature were above the freezing point of 32 degrees Fahrenheit, it would also slowly melt.

What is the effect of decreased pressure on boiling point and freezing point of water?

Decreased pressure lowers the boiling point of water because it reduces the pressure exerted on the liquid, allowing the water molecules to escape into the vapor phase more easily. However, decreased pressure has a less significant effect on the freezing point of water compared to the boiling point, as freezing point is more influenced by the presence of impurities in the water.

Where water boils first in lower pressure or high atmospheric pressure?

Water boils first in lower pressure because at lower pressure, the boiling point of water decreases. This means that water will boil more quickly in lower pressure conditions compared to higher atmospheric pressure where the boiling point of water increases.